About John M. Morales, NSSA®

John Morales

John M. Morales, NSSA®


John Morales founded JMM Financial Services with the goal of helping retirees and pre-retirees provide security and peace of mind in retirement. John Morales has been in the insurance industry since 1984. John is a National Social Security Advisor Certificate Holder. As a comprehensive financial advisor, he is committed to treating you like family and protecting your hard-earned assets as we would our own.

At JMM Financial Services, we take great pride in the quality of service we provide for our customers. Whether our clients need help filing a claim, processing a payment, or just understanding their insurance coverage we'll always be there ready to help.

We know our clients and we know insurance, so our clients enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing their insurance agency can help them regardless of how big, small, unique, or specific their insurance needs are. With the years of experience we bring to the table there isn't much we haven't seen before, and you never know when that's going to come in handy.

I am a Medicare broker, I also assist businesses with group insurance for their company and help seniors prepare for retirement with their 401k, 403b, and TSP pensions. Additionally, I am certified in Social Security as an advisor and provide estate planning services.